Participants – See agenda, notes, and send comments
The UC Institute of Transportation Studies (with branches at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, and UCLA) is leading an effort to develop a statewide Innovative Mobility Applied Research Program that will deliver impartial policy analysis and guidance, technical support, and training to the State of California on the transition to shared, automated, electric and connected mobility.
The kick-off event for this initiative will be a convening of UC experts (faculty and staff scientists) in downtown Sacramento on Friday, November 30, 2018 from 10:00am – 5:00pm.
The purpose of this all-day event is to: 1) increase awareness of and collaboration among researchers across the UC system working on innovative mobility research and 2) form working groups to develop research and policy priorities for specific subtopics, such as safety, technology, travel behavior, impacts to the environment, government and regulation, and much more. An agenda can be found here.
This is not a conference. There will be no formal presentations or panels. The majority of the time will be spent in small working groups sharing and discussing research priorities for California. Input gathered at this event will be used to develop a draft research plan for California, which will be vetted by leaders from the private and public sector. The final plan will be shared with the Legislature and future Governor for consideration in regard to policy making and future investments in research.