What travel modes do shared e-scooters displace? A review of recent research findings

Research Team: Giovanni Circella (lead), Kailai Wang, Xiaodong Qian, Dillon Fitch, Yongsung Lee, and Jai Malik

UC Campus(es): UC Davis

Problem Statement: Micromobility (any mode of transportation via very light vehicles —including electric scooters, electric skateboards, and bicycles) is changing transportation in various ways. For example, micromobility provides new mobility options, can reduce commuting times and carbon emissions, and promotes the use of active transportation modes. Depending on how micromobility options are deployed, they can serve as a way to enhance accessibility and quality of life in cities as well. In order to maximize the benefits of micromobility systems, there is a need to better understand the various population segments that currently use these modes (particularly shared e-scooter) or have a propensity to do so in the future as well as learn more about the different impacts the adoption of these modes may have on cities (e.g., safety, parking, infrastructure).

Project Description: This study conducted a comprehensive review of the scholarly literature on the recent developments for this new micromobility option. The current and potential future impacts of using shared e-scooters on travel mode choice are addressed by examining how shared e-scooters complement and substitute for existing travel modes. The findings and insights will be helpful to assess opportunities and obstacles for the role of shared e-scooters in a future sustainable transportation system.

Status: Completed

Budget: $20,112