Webinar: Early Insights from Mobility Wallet Programs
DATE: May 22, 2024
TIME: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM PT
EVENT OVERVIEW: Cities across California, such as Oakland, Stockton, Bakersfield, and Los Angeles, are experimenting with Universal Basic Mobility (UBM) initiatives that provide residents access to affordable transportation options regardless of where they live or their income level. While UBM initiatives can take many forms, one approach is the use of mobility wallets that provide residents with flexible spending to access transportation services (e.g., bikeshare, public transit, ridehail) or cover specific transportation costs (e.g., bike purchase and maintenance). This webinar will highlight mobility wallet initiatives in several cities across California, and share findings from evaluations of these programs, including how residents are participating in the pilot, and how pilot participants are spending the pilot funds.