Capitol Briefing: What’s Behind the Decline? Understanding Public Transit Trends in California
DATE: April 18, 2017
TIME: 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
LOCATION: C Center Sacramento, 1130 K St LL22, Sacramento, CA
EVENT OVERVIEW: Public transit ridership is on the decline. This is a significant concern to transit and elected officials, particularly given the substantial financial commitment regions are making in new transit investments. UC ITS researchers discussed how data about travel behavior and public transit supply can shed light on this concerning trends in public transit ridership. Presentations highlighted new research findings about current transit riders, potential transit riders and the travel behavior of carless households in California.
Professor Brian Taylor – Director, Institute of Transportation Studies, UCLA
Mike Manville, Assistant Professor of Urban Planning, UCLA
Jean-Daniel Saphores, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Irvine
Josh Shaw, Executive Director, California Transit Association