Public Transit and Shared Mobility
The public transit and shared mobility research pillar includes a suite of projects focused on challenges, opportunities, and transformations related to public transit and private shared mobility in California. Public transit continues to be critically important for many Californians, and shared mobility shows much promise in improving mobility and equitable access to opportunities. Both of these mobility options have faced challenges during the pandemic, and policies and innovation are needed to revive and evolve them. The projects in the public transit and shared mobility pillar will inform a future vision for public transit and shared mobility in California (and beyond) that increases access to opportunity, supports resilience, and reimagines how these modes work together.
Phase One Objectives:
- Providing insights into innovative finance and operations strategies.
- Understanding what causes ridership declines and what policy levers can revive ridership, while simultaneously improving service for underserved populations.
- Identifying strategies to enhance public transit and shared mobility to ensure they are more adaptable to future pandemics, earthquakes, wildfires, and extreme weather events.
- Evaluating the role of public transit and shared mobility in achieving statewide VMT reduction goals.
- Understanding the future of private shared mobility and what role the public sector should play in supporting and regulating it.
Phase 1 Projects:
Phase one includes 14 multi-campus research projects.
Research Team: Kenichi Soga (lead), Jonathan P. Stewart, Yousef Bozorgnia, Louise Comfort, Tianyu Han, Bingyu Zhao, Yili Tang, Henry Burton, and Esra Zengin
UC Campus(es): UC Berkeley, UCLA
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Jonathan P. Stewart, Yousef Bozorgnia, Esra Zengin, and Kenichi Soga
UC Campus(es): UC Berkeley, UCLA
Status: In Progress
Research Lead: Caroline Rodier
UC Campus(es): UC Davis
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Madeline Brozen (lead), Caroline Rodier, Evelyn Blumenberg, Brian Harold, Madeline Wander, Tamika Butler, and Alejandra Rios
UC Campus(es): UC Davis, UCLA
Status: In Progress
Research Team: David Brownstone (lead) and Henry Bernal
UC Campus(es): UC Irvine
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Elisa Borowski (lead) and Jeannine Pearce
UC Campus(es): UC Irvine
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Angela Sanguinetti (lead), Caroline Rodier, Mollie D'Agostino, and Brian Harold
UC Campus(es): UC Davis
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Caroline Rodier (lead), Brian Harold, and Yunwan Zhang
UC Campus(es): UC Davis
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Susan Shaheen (lead), Michael Hyland, Susan Pike, and Kari Edison Watkins
UC Campus(es): UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Huadong Meng (lead) and Alex Kurzhanskiy
UC Campus(es): UC Berkeley
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Cecile Gaubert (lead), Pablo Fajgelbaum, Edouard Schaal, Eduardo Morales, and Matthew Tauzer
UC Campus(es): UC Berkeley, UCLA
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Elizabeth Deakin (lead) and Egon Terplan
UC Campus(es): UC Berkeley
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Michael Cassidy (lead), Yueyan Fan, Carlos Daganzo, Jean Doig, Wesley Darling, and Yunteng Zhang
UC Campus(es): UC Berkeley, UC Davis
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Jean-Daniel Saphores (lead), Susie Pike, and Farzana Khatun
UC Campus(es): UC Davis, UC Irvine
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Jamey Volker (lead), Susie Pike, Nicholas Marantz
UC Campus(es): UC Davis, UC Irvine
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Michael McNally (lead), Rezwana Rafiq
UC Campus(es): UC Irvine
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Kenichi Soga (lead), Louise Comfort, Bingyu Zhao, Yili (Kelly) Tang, and Tianyu Han
UC Campus(es): UC Berkeley
Status: Completed
Research Team: Evelyn Blumenberg (lead), Tierra Bills, Samuel Speroni, Jesus Barajas, Katherine Turner
UC Campus(es): UC Davis, UCLA
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Michael McNally (lead) and Rezwana Rafiq
UC Campus(es): UC Irvine
Status: In Progress
Research Team: John Gahbauer (lead), Jacob Wasserman, Juan Matute, Alejandra Rios Gutierrez, and Brian Taylor
UC Campus(es): UCLA
Status: Completed
Assessing the Potential for Densification and Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction in Areas without Rail
Research Team: Jae Hong Kim (lead), Jesus Barajas, Douglas Houston, Nicholas Marantz, Veronica Herrera, Alex Okashita, and Maxwell B. Cabello
UC Campus(es): UC Davis, UC Irvine
Status: Completed
Research Team: Michael Manville (lead) and Hao Ding
UC Campus(es): UCLA
Status: Completed
Research Team: Brian D. Taylor (lead), Samuel Speroni, Fariba Siddiq, Julene Paul, and Yu Hong Hwang
UC Campus(es): UC Davis, UCLA
Status: Completed
Research Team: Susie Pike (lead), Jean-Daniel Saphores, Juan Matute
UC Campus(es): UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCLA
Status: In Progress
Research Team: Jacob Wasserman (co-lead), Susan Shaheen (co-lead), Allie Padgett, Keenan Ky-An Do, Brooke Wolfe, Adam Cohen, and and Jacquelyn Broader
UC Campus(es): UC Berkeley, UCLA
Status: Completed